Racial and Economic Justice

The Business Outreach Center (BOC) Network mourns for the families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, along with the countless others who have lost their lives as victims of extrajudicial violence in our country. BOC Network stands with our black employees, small businesses, and communities in the fight against racial inequality and its legacy of wealth inequality. We are here to say Black Lives Matter.

Economic disparity goes hand-in-hand with deep-seated racial injustice, leading to generations of harm to Black and Brown communities. For over fifteen years, the BOC Network has aided communities of color through financial and professional resources, playing an important role in generating economic growth and opportunity through innovative programs that invest government dollars alongside private-sector capital. We recognize that business ownership is a route to wealth creation. The fight against social injustice is critical to our work to generating more inclusive local economies.

BOC Network reaffirms its mission to work in partnership with diverse communities to bring an end to systemic racism and advance economic justice, to create a fair and just society for all. By operating as stakeholders with government and like-minded community partners, we will further channel our influence to build power, income, and wealth through entrepreneurship. We are committed to making sure we do our part to increase funding so we may have a greater impact to service and strengthen our business community. In addition, as a diverse and inclusive organization, we vow to continue having the explicit conversations necessary to combat racial injustice, contributing to a more safe, inclusive, and respectful world.

“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery none but ourselves can free our minds” -Bob Marley

Human rights are of universal interest because it is the inherent nature of all human beings to yearn for freedom, equality, and dignity and they have the right to achieve it.” -Dalai Lama